Monday, October 10, 2011

Give & Take

Give & Take
The Spiritual High

Autumn is the season for gathering and storing, collecting and hoarding, yet this is only intended in the most practical sense. Food and shelter being top of the list.

These days everyone is an economics expert, a financial whizz kid and a value for money bargain junkie. When we give of our hard earned currency we expect to receive. Two for the price of one, goody bags, bargain rails and endless sales overwhelm the consumer landscape. The people skills of customer service, sports and social events and education also have a value. We expect to be waited upon, served, amused, entertained, enlightened and educated. Often we expect to receive all of these simultaneously.

Corporate giants so confident in their product and services promote themselves as ‘exceeding our expectations’. We have learned to be a culture of expectant takers. Even in our quest for spiritual enlightenment we are waiting for the presenter’s magic tricks. The quick fix answers to all our deepest darkest questions on the meaning of life. The spiritual event thus becomes a quest to uncover the ‘added value’.

The spiritual equation is in fact a much more simple formula than that:
Give = Receive

In our conditioning of ‘more is more’ and ‘buy now pay later’ we have lost the currency of the heart. The sharing of hearts and minds is the true priceless riches in life. We give of ourselves, openly and honestly. Attending a prayer meeting , a satsang, a music concert or cultural event is enriched by our own participation. Joining the spiritual, emotional and mental conversation rather than standing by as disappointed customers. In the melodic lyrics of the great Lou Reid ‘you’re gonna reap just what you sow’. True enlightenment is about what we scatter not what we hoard.

Patricia Murphy
086 6482651

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sang, Sat, Saturday at Satsang

Sang, Sat, Saturday at Satsang

What raises our vibration? A sunny day, an unexpected windfall, a walk along a moonlight shore. There are so many events that touch our hearts and minds, raising us up to a higher level of consciousness. Then life starts to get in the way and pretty soon our heads are in a funk and we are hoping and wishing to regain our peace of mind.

So, what can we do to deliberately raise our vibration and keep us tuned in throughout the ebb and flow of life’s offerings? There are of course plenty of options, including the ancient rites and rituals of Satsang in the company of a guru, collectively reaching towards the highest truths. Finding ones voice to join in the repetition of Sanskrit mantras evokes a powerful personal reaction. The deep tones emerging from the very base of our being right up to high pitch vibrations at the top of the head, exciting the divine within. Hands clapping, beating time with the drums and percussion, energizing the body and lifting the spirit.

Unless you are already gifted with a good voice, sing regularly or attend a congregation, it is unlikely that you have tapped in to the vibration of song and sound and its life enriching qualities. Playing a musical instrument, joining a showchoir, chorus or belting out a tune around the house is a remedy for feeling great. Tensions dissolve away, spirits soar and pretty soon you become a beacon of pure positive energy. Ok, so maybe your singing talent doesn’t quite have the ‘x’ factor but who’s judging. Find your own song, sing it loud and sing it from the heart.

Inspired by Satsang with Sri Vasudeva
Saturday 24th September 2011 – Dublin