Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How Does It Feel !!!

Blue Monday. Thankfully I was blissfully unaware of it being the third Monday of January. Officially the most depressing day of the year. Says who? Well, says some Welsh scientist who though we all needed another reason to feel depressed. Actually, I am much more aware of moon cycles and happy Mondays. Is it a media conspiracy to exert its power over us to ignore the other real issues that are unfolding within our own countries leadership? Oh yes, they really do have the power to alter our mood states if we are not super vigilant. Even local and national radio stations have an active role in brainwashing us. Take for example the playlist of lyrics that occupies peak time listening.
'I would catch a grenade for you.... I’d jump in front of a train for you.’
All set to a catchy tune to disguise the undertones of love, pain and despair. And that’s number one! Even lines like ‘do you ever feel like a plastic bag’ have a happy ending.

I’m surprised that we don’t use this as an excuse to head to the pub or send each other cards, flowers, chocolates, cuddly toys and all that good stuff. Maybe we can make a national event of it, take the day off and go and do something uplifting and motivational instead. Or is it a really useful day to empathise with the masses about feeling pretty crap, having ditched the exercise plan and eating for three again? It’s certainly a great slot to promote support groups, positive psychology and lifestyle choices.

So, having somehow managed to avoid all mention of the big blue until about 4pm I had already decided that it was a most productive day. In fact, a great start to the week. Instead of joining the whinge fest, I washed my cares away in the little blue. Nothing better than a few lengths of the pool to get the head into the right space. Kick, pull, breath. Kick, pull, breath.

I consciously choose not to buy into mass mood manipulation unless it is of a positive kind. Celebrate your humanness which means not being perfect. Work your way bravely through the paperwork and bills that need your attention. Get help if that’s what it takes.

So how does it feel now? Well, the sun is shining and the moon close to 100% tonight with beautiful clear skies. All is well in my head and my heart. I hope that my positive mood will have a ripple effect on all those I come into contact with today. Happy Tuesday !!!

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